Saturday, April 19, 2014

You might be a Trader if …. 4/19/14

The only cable channel number you know is CNBC

You might be a trader if you know that Head and Shoulders isn’t referring to a shampoo

You start referring to companies by their ticker symbol

If you know who Jim Cramer is

If you start seeing charts in your dreams

Last thing you look up before falling asleep is what the Asian markets are doing

You know who Fibonacci is

You celebrate your 61.8th birthday

You know the difference between a Stochastic and a MACD

Your trading room has more monitors than your TV room.

You know what an iron condor is

You run to the nearest Starbucks or Panera Bread to close out your day trade when you lose power at your home

Only your charts know the market direction and you don’t

You know that an Elliott wave has nothing to do with Physics

Your best friends are from Mcubed….

You know what a Put/Call ratio is and you have forgotten Poisson’s ratio

You look at a mountain range and only see highs and lows

You bought two hundred shares of a company but you have no idea what it does

You trade what you see and not what you think

And finally a few serious words of wisdom if you are a trader wannabe…

"The key to successful trading is consistency and discipline. Almost anybody can make up a list of rules that are 80% as good as what we taught. What they can't do is give (people) the confidence to stick to those rules even when things are going bad." Richard Dennis, on Turtle Trading

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