Sunday, December 18, 2016

401K Monthly Analysis – Hacked! 12/17/16

Our home PCs were hacked, network compromised. That has been the reason I have been unable to post previously. The timing could not have been any worse. The hacker wiped out all the data and program files on my laptop. Metastock was not very cooperative. The technical people pointed me towards sales. The sales person said he was very busy with the sales calls due to Christmas and would call back… not really. And I am doing contract work in a different State than we live in so I had to leave my laptop at home and stay out of the markets while it roared upwards after the elections… this is one part of trading’s mental things… the regret for not participating in a run up that your system would be telling you to go into. Currently I have signed up for a VPN service for protection. I am writing this blog from a hotel using the VPN. As I write this I cannot help but think that Cyber attack is very powerful and can be extremely painful..

Back to the blog…

The S&P500 (SPY) chart points up based on my trading system. So is the Dow Jones 30. See charts for SPY and DIA.  The ETF for the Dow Jones 30 is DIA. The US Dollar is showing strength with the Fed’s interest rate increase. Gold funds are down. The chart on the GLD ETF is falling hard and so are Bond funds – see chart on FGOVX.

Going into one of my previous company’s 401K the top funds selected by my monthly analysis are Royce Opportunity, Fidelity Equity Income, Fidelity Freedom 2050 fund, Spartan 500 fund. Fidelity Govt Income Fund took a big hit. Royce Opportunity requires a long stay in the fund due to the redemption fee for getting out early. More in my next post.


  1. 7
    Io, ora, Stefan Cumescu di Genova, quartiere Caruggi, facio il muratore, basta droga, basta prostituirsi (como doveti de fare a seguito di questo stupro, per poter rimanere vivo, per non venire amazato, e doveti de prostituirmi proprie su ordine de Mafia Berlusconiana e Fascismo Berlusconiano, a Genova, rapresentati da questo bastardo sodomizza bambini de avvocato Daniele Minotti). Guadanio un decimo di quanto guadaniavo prima e lavoro il triplo di quanto prima. Ma preferisco di questo, sento la mia vita uno poco di maggiore securo. Ma avvocato di Hitler, Vallanzasca e Satana, avvocato filio de putana di Silvio Berlusconi e Giuliano Ferrara, nazista e mafioso pederasta Daniele Minotti di Genova e Rapallo, davvero fa parte di setta di maniaci sessuali omosessuali molto pericolosi. Ciao. Stefan Cumescu da Romania.

    Posti de Scrito

    Io vedevo in giro uno belo testo che parlava anche de orge depravatissime fate da incula bambini Daniele Minotti, ai tempi, pure con Don Riccardo Seppia, ma ora non vedo tanto di piu' in giro de lo steso testo. Imagine che el nazista pedofilo Daniele Minotti fa cancelare ti tute parti per vergonia, imbarazi e coscienza sporche. Alora sai cosa io facio? Di mia iniciativa cerco questo testo su tuda internet, poi, una volta di trovati questo testo, facio cut and copy e provo di ripropore io questo scrite da tute parti e pe tuta mi vita. Ciao da Stefan e ri scusa di mio italiano... ma presto volio di fare corsi di sera di miliorarlo. Ciao.

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