Monday, April 23, 2012

Down Signal on AMD 4/23/12

We have a down signal on AMD. Since this is a few days after the earnings announcement, that is not a good sign. The market has digested the earnings news and is not enthralled.

I had mentioned in my earlier post that I took the easy route out. I got out of my AMD position before the earnings announcement. The earnings report was too much of a gamble for me to stay in. Meaning we don’t know which way the market would turn. Given the earlier exit long signal on SPY, the safe route was not to take the chance on AMD as the health of the overall market also plays a role in the stock’s direction.. The market has taken in the earnings news and is selling off.

1 comment:

  1. Nice moves on the Tale of Two Stocks and AMD plays. Dynamic Hedging seems to be working just right. Follow that system!
